Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Mueller family

Hi, we're the Muellers: Phil, Gretchen, Sarah (15), Joy (13), Andrew (10), Grace (7), and Faith (3).

Phil is a mechanical engineer. He owns and operates a chimney cleaning and repair business. He recently retired from 34 years of service in the Air Force Reserve as a C-130 flight engineer. He enjoys gaming, watching sci-fi, reading Popular Science, Popular Mechanics and home repair type magazines and journals, and family gatherings. 

Gretchen is also a former C-130 flight engineer, and former student of Phil's, – which is how the story of the Muellers began. She was recently accredited as a La Leche League Leader. She enjoys reading, writing, surfing the internet, painting, organizing, eating good food, lazy days at the beach, and hanging out with her family.

Sarah enjoys reading, writing, pottery, surfing the internet, tumbling, drawing, role-playing, cosplaying, and anything that has to do with Skyrim. This year, she attended an anime convention for the first time, which is an experience that she will never forget. She looks forward to a time when she can attend another one. She also supports Superwholock.

Joy’s passions include painting (anything and everything), pottery, making her own cards and gifts, princess movies, reading, Pinterest, and other on-line sites like Doll Divine and Animal Jam. She enjoys attending theater and acting, and is currently part of a local production of Ben Hur. A highlight of her year is attending summer camp.

Andrew is into all things weapons and military related. Most days he can be found sitting on the exercise bike playing (multi-player mode) the following X-box games: MW3, Battlefield 3, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 1. He also loves Nerf gun battles, military documentaries (especially WWII), YouTube, swimming, summer camp, and going to water parks.

Grace likes dancing, singing, trying out for plays, drawing, painting, playing with her American Girl Dolls and Bitty Babies, and all sorts of games. Her favorite on-line games sites are Doll Divine, Animal Jam, Girls Go Games, and Star Wars Clone Wars. Her favorite board games are Cadoo and Rummikub. Her favorite T.V. show : The Jonas Brothers.

Faith likes to talk. She also likes singing, playing dolls with her sister, holding our new kittens, playing outside, and going to the pottery shop with her older sisters. Her favorite shows are Shawn the Sheep, Curious George, and Oscar's Oasis. Most of all, she loves to go to the midweek youth program at our church.

We look forward to meeting all of you and making some new friends!

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